Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Self-Portrait in stages.

Here are some snapshots of working on a small self-portrait (6 x 8").

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Colonization by Floyd Elzinga

 Image from the Petroff Gallery

I was down at Brookfield place today to see Floyd Elzinga's installation work Colonization. If you can make it there to see it, I highly recommend it. I don't think they could have found a more perfect space to hang this deceptively fragile-looking, wholly unnatural composition of pieces.

Image from the Toronto Financial District website.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Trevor McNaughton beside the right panel of 'The Living' triptych, under construction.

One step at a time!

Oych, sometimes things do get worse before they get better.

(working on a little 8x10" self-portrait)

That third one down looks like I just went through a windshield. In a fun kind of way.

Thank you in 2014

Thanks to The Advocate for two mentions in 2014: one in July 2014 profiling my work, and another at the end of the year. Special thanks to Christopher Harrity.
Also, it was great being asked to be in 'The Rawk Show' in Austin, Texas. When I saw I'd have my work hanging beside Phyllis Diller's that fatally sealed the deal! Thanks to The Romani Galley, The Rawk Show and especially Nathan James.

Hello there everybody:

Just a note about websites and all.

My official site is
It's regularly updated to show available work, and has a comprehensively-picked history of work that give a decent context of what I've worked on from 1995 until now.

I have a personal facebook page, and one for myself the public artist. I keep my friendship circle fairly tight, so if you want to the immediacy of facebook, following the public artist page is the best bet. My name leading it is James H. Huctwith.
It contains all the personal art information that is shown on my personal facebook page. Sometimes more.

If you hate, am ambivalent about or whatever you're reason, then of course there's this blog you're reading, Dainty Bastard. A google search might reveal stuff going on that even I don't know about! lol

Cheers, and hoping you are all having a good new year. Happy 2015!
James H