Monday, September 12, 2011

But I'm Shopping As Fast As I Can!

Some fucking anniversary.

Things have gotten worse in just ten years.


This puts me in a mood.
Right now I'm hating painting, thinking art is a complete fucking waste of time. A know-nothing pursuit patronized by grasping shits, and maintained by wifty, useless wankers.

This mood seems to be lasting. I don't think it applies to just art these days, either.

Our whole society is currently overextended on rotten moral credit, and no one knows why anyone is doing anything past a certain point, except for the insistent drumbeat to pile up money at any cost. The pigs are running the show, and there's no intelligent resistance. War, fear, stupidity and lies are becoming common currency along with wholesale slavery, superstition and torture. There is no serious movement happening to prosecute the assholes responsible.

I don't suppose it's bad if artists lose faith every now and then. In fact, I'd say, why should we have it in the first place?

Art doesn't seem to be addressing what's going on in a way has any influence, and I don't expect television or movies to address the hideous fucking human rot at the top of our society, either. Commerce here - corporate and it's offshoots - has it's roots deep in slaughter. The fruits of that tree are surveillance, curtailment and fear.

All our claims to morality, peace, culture, and human progress are bankrupt now. And isn't that fucking depressing.

1 comment:

  1. James
    It catches up with all of us. That existential feeling of "why, bother?" But even if it doesn't feel like you make changes, you do. Your work does. It brings joy to a great many. Scott over at Bill in Exile has some similar sentiments about the 9/11 anniversary.

    "Editors note: I’m going to use this tenth anniversary to make this the last time I post about 9/11 during the life of this blog.

    As a nation we’ve wasted and corrupted anything good that might have come from this horror and the annual rolling out of the tears and hand ringing and rending of garments on this date have simply become too much to stomach.

    The people who died ten years ago today in New York City, Washington D.C and Shanksville Pennsylvania deserve to rest in peace and to be mourned and remembered by their families and loved ones. But this country no longer has any right to use them as its own national martyrs.

    We forfeited that right long ago."
