Sunday, February 27, 2022


An old painting I'd had in storage for, oh, about ten years, proved itself irredeemable at last.
I'd spent years thinking about what to do with it - I'd invested so much time and effort in it already, I was sure I could save it if I just found the right...what?
Anyway, I decided to cut up my losses - and salvaged a few bits out of the larger canvas.
What you see below is a detail of a fragment. But  - the face and figure (out of frame) still had some worth, so I'm giving it a touchup. 
It's going OK. But I've got to let go of any lingering ideas about the importance of the now-gone piece, and just, well, enjoy, bringing this little bit more fully to life.


Puppy Love

I had the opportunity to foster a pooch for the Humane Society of Kitchener-Waterloo this last week.
Gigi was one half a sweet, cuddly delight - the other half was a tornado of rip-n-tear destruction, along with a biblical lack of housetraining. Happily, the floorboards are indomitably laquered, and my supply of Mr. Clean inexhaustable.
I had specified I wanted a housetrained dog, but the HS called me in a hurry, saying that they had an urgent need for a foster. "How Bad Could It Be?", I thought.

Many exasperating days where I felt overtaken by the gargantuan, crazed de-luxe B-movie spirit of Mommie Dearest followed many sweet nights of lovely snuggling. She even slept picturesquely.

She was adopted quite quickly before my opinions, or flooring could be tarnished. So, all in all, a good experience.