Monday, November 28, 2011

Website Updated!

Well, my website is all neatened up and updated. That's good!

Holy eyestrain! Never mix Philip Glass and html.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

(very early) December Update

Lots of good things going on.

- Plans are shaping up for a show of my new work at KWT Contemporary in the late summer or early fall of 2012, as well as a show for Galerie La Petite Mort in November 2012.

- I've been invited to submit a piece for a travelling group show called YESSR4, that will travel from Buenos Aires, Argentina, from March 15th to April 8th. Then, from Santiago, Chile, from May 10th to June 3rd. Then finally on to Ottawa to La Petite Mort from July 6th to July 29th. It looks pretty interesting. Definitely not flowers and teapots kinds of stuff.

-I'm submitting work to be included in a new book to be published by Bruno Gmunder. It will feature thirty-eight artists, all of whom work with the male figure.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

2B Magazine Article

Oooh! An article in Montreal's 2B magazine, about the show!
(Plus, a wee interview). Huzzah!

Link here


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thanks Ottawa!

It was a wonderful show opening weekend. Lot of laffs, drinks, conversation and a really good dinner party. Thanks to Guy Berube and his gallery staff for making it all go so well.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lookin' Good!

Image courtesy of the La Petite Mort gallery website.

Galerie La Petite Mort has just put up pictures of my new show all hung up, as well as some nifty painting details from them.
It's always such a surprise to have seen the paintings hanging around the studio for a year, all homey and ordinarily familiar...then - bam! They're up and looking all official!
